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The Cooperative Housing La Rapita is an alternative to the decomercialization  of housing in the Terres de l'Ebre area, and it means to move from individualism to community.


Sant Carles de la Rapita is the most suitable town for living and it is for many reasons. One of these is its privileged geographic location, as part of the wonderful surroundings of the  Natural Park of Ebro Delta, in the foothills of the Sierra del Montsià and the waters of the Mediterranean sea bathing its beaches. It is in this enviable place where we have chosen to carry out the project of the Cooperative Housing La Rapita.


The CoHousing under a cession of use is the alternative choosen by us to conventional models  for the access to housing. And we say the alternative and not the novelty because this model has been implemented for many years now in many countries of Europe and America. 


This is a non-profit model based in the cooperative organization to provide a decent home at a reasonable price to its members. 


The model is based on a cooperative union of people who mostly are the users. It is also based in homes where ownership of the property falls in the hands of the cooperative. The user members benefit from the use of permanent housing and also from the communal areas (dining, laundry, gym ...) and this use is transferable. To make use of housing the member pays an initial entry (capital) which is returnable and inheritable. A monthly fee is also payed. 


This model’s concept of housing is that of good use and it is not thought as an investment which means a commitment to the decomercialization  and to the fundamental right to housing. 


In cooperative housing people know each other first hand since it is a  participatory project and in most cases we will share affinities and especially the common areas.


At the Cooperative Housing La Rapita we want to create homes in community, within a collaborative and mutual aid model between neighboring people, where to make disappear the scourge that ravages our society which is loneliness. A model of social inclusion for people with or without dependence and a model of Universal Accessibility  being an alternative to nursing homes, the existing service-based model for people who are not productive for society. 


The Cooperative Housing La Rapita, is designed for all kinds of models of family and people who believe in the power of collaboration and solidarity social fabric.

If you want to be part of a project with a rich social and collaborative social fabric with a democratic system, do not hesitate to join us!



The Cooperative Housing La Ràpita is aimed at all those who want to create a model of Cohousing  that moves away from the traditional nursing homes. We want to self-manage our lives and be an active community of neighbors.


This project is either for seniors, for disAbled people or with different degrees of dependency, as well as for those who individually or as a family want to be part of a different way of conceiving the housing and which have common and shared interests.


The building of the cooperative will have private spaces -those intended for the  cession of use- for each unit of living. People can live there alone, with a partner, with a disabled person,  a single parent, a “traditional” family, etc., and at the same time enjoy a number of common areas for meeting, mutual aid and shared activities. All this in an environment that meets the concept of Universal Access and also with concierge service and helpline 24 hours a day.


People who benefit from using a transfer of use zone must share tasks, duties and other expenses of the cooperative. We think this is the best way to cope with loneliness and isolation, one of the most serious problems to be faced nowadays in our society. Each person is independent to lead his or her life, while feeling part of the community and actively contributing to group activities.


The Cohousing provides many benefits not only for people who are members, but it also does it for the rest of the population, because it is a model of sustainability and is also environmentally friendly due to sharing the basic supplies such as electricity and water.


If you want to be part of a project with a rich social and collaborative social fabric with a democratic system, do not hesitate to join us!



Juan García

+34 615 30 46 82


Casa del Mar

Carrer de l'Arenal, s/n 

43540 - Sant Carles de la Ràpita

Tarragona, Spain

Thursday, from 10 to 11 a.m.

by scheduled appointment.


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Housing in transfer of use with care services to people

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